Hi and welcome to Honey's Website!
Hamsters are inquisitive little fellows with almost limitless energy. There are several main types of hamster kept as pets. Honey is a Syrian hamster. Syrian hamsters are the most common type, and are what people often think of when they hear the word 'hamster'. Keeping hamsters as pets dates back to the 1930's, when a Dr. I Aharoni captured a mother hamster and her litter in Aleppo, Syria - the first Golden Hamsters found alive in nearly a hundred years. All the pet Syrian hamsters around today are descendants from that original mother and her litter.
As well as Syrian hamsters (which are sometimes called Golden hamsters), there are also Russian and Chinese hamsters (also known as dwarf hamsters), which are a lot smaller. Dwarf hamsters prefer to live in pairs - but Syrian hamsters should always be kept on their own after they are about 8 weeks old as they will fight badly - even to the death!
A hamster that has been looked after well and has been fed a good, balanced diet should live around 1000 days (around three years), and that means a lot of cage cleaning, a lot of food buying and perhaps some fairly expensive vet bills - a lot of comitment, so you should think carefully before rushing in and buying your new pet. However, in return for all this care and attention, you will be rewarded a great deal as you and your pet get to know each other, and your hamster will look forward to playing with you and exploring your world.
All hamsters spend most of the day asleep and are most active in the evening and at night. They are nocturnal.
Did you know that a single hamster can build a food store the size of 100 bags of sugar!
Keep an eye on this site as soon we will have some complete care guides, tips and tricks, comments from other hamster owners and breeders and some links to other good hamster-related websites.
Thanks for stopping by!

Honey strikes the poseHow YOU doin'?

See Honey's Space Station HERE
and compare this site to the old site HERE

Last Updated 21st April 2001
�2001 Brad Singer-Carter
All Rights Reserved